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The Night Circus

It’s been a while since I posted any ‘bookish’ content. And that’s because I haven’t been reading much fiction (or just reading in general). For that reason, I really enjoyed reading The Night Circus and fangirling about all the magic. So while I’m procrastinating my revision, I think it’d be a good idea to finally write a blog post on this book.  😉




I’ve heard sooo many good things about The Night Circus. I feel like this is one of the highest praised and most loved books in the book community so I had really high expectations going into this book. (I actually bought the book in July last year at the annual HK Book Fair but I had been putting it off for this exact reason.)

And they were partly met?

I really liked the world-building. The magic felt so real and I really liked how there are two kinds of magic – one that you’re born with and one that anyone can learn to do. I loved learning about how the circus works. The tents were written with so many details, from the entrances to the acts, and to the atmosphere around each one. It was just so magical and whimsical and intriguing.

The writing is so beautiful. And the way that the book is formatted adds to the experience. I found it really elegant that they didn’t make the chapter titles stand out in bold letters in the middle of the page. Instead, they made the letters italic and placed them at the upper left corner so it kind of felt more formal and classic.

So in case you can’t tell, I fell completely in love with the world.

But if I have to point out one thing that I didn’t particularly like in this book, it would be the romance. I did like the interactions between the two love interests, especially because there was so much chemistry between them. Yet, maybe because of the way that the book was so elegantly written, there weren’t so many scenes between them before they fell in love. So I didn’t understand where the chemistry came from all of a sudden.

Another thing would be the jumping around in time. There’s a time period underneath each chapter title. But if I didn’t look at that, I think it’d be very confusing for me to put the pieces together. And even if I did, I had to constantly go back to remind myself when this part of the story took place.

So while this book wasn’t exactly as great as I imagined, I am still interested in reading more works by Erin Morgenstern!


Word of mouth is a more effective method of advertisement than typeset words and exclamation points on paper pamphlets or posters.


In truth, Chandresh prefers not to know all the ingredients, not to understand each technique. He claims such ignorance gives each dish life, makes it more than the sum of its parts.


“The finest of pleasures are always the unexpected ones,” Tsukiko replies.


“You will be fine,” the fortune-teller says. “There may be decisions to make, and surprises in store. Life takes us to unexpected places sometimes. The future is never set in stone, remember that.”


“Because I do not wish to know,” he says. “I prefer to remain unenlightened, to better appreciate the dark.”


“People don’t pay much attention to anything unless you give them reason to,” he says.


“You’re not destined or chosen, I wish I could tell you that you were if that would make it easier, but it’s not true. You’re in the right place at the right time, and you care enough to do what needs to be done. Sometimes that’s enough.”


Most maidens are perfectly capable of rescuing themselves in my experience, at least the ones worth something, in any case.


And that concludes this post! Tell me your thoughts on this book in the comments! Thanks for reading and stay healthy. Stay safe. Stay strong.

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  1. I love this book! But I will agree that it’s pretty slow-going and the romance isn’t cultivated well enough. The descriptions though are to die for. It’s enjoyable mostly for the atmosphere and whimsy! Great review!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’ve heard mixed things about this book, so I’m scared to pick it up! You made some good points in your review, it was great hearing your thoughts. I think I might just have to give this book a try because I’m so curious about all the hype it gets!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you and yes, that’d be a good idea! I also picked this up because of the hype and even though I didn’t love it, it was still a good reading experience. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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